New research equipment arrived at BBU

New research equipment arrived at BBU

The following research equipment has been delivered in recent months: Doppler Wind LIDAR Microwave radiometer for measuring humidity and temperature profiles Cloud radar Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer Chemical fume hood Condensation Particle Counter...
ACTRIS-UBB at the European Researchers Night

ACTRIS-UBB at the European Researchers Night

On the last day of September, the ACTRIS-UBB team joined the European Researchers Night organized by the ReCoNnect2 Consortium in Cluj-Napoca. During the day more than 600 people visited our Mobile Air Quality Laboratory to find out more about air pollution...
Info Day on the establishment of ACTRIS ERIC

Info Day on the establishment of ACTRIS ERIC

The Info Day on the establishment of ACTRIS ERIC reunited the European atmospheric research community on the 12th of September 2023 in Cluj-Napoca. The event promoted the Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS ERIC), officially established on...
The ACTRIS-UBB mobile laboratory arrived to UBB

The ACTRIS-UBB mobile laboratory arrived to UBB

The ACTRIS-UBB mobile laboratory was received. The new mobile laboratory allows air quality monitoring through column and in situ investigations, being equipped with the following equipment: Aerosol LIDAR system, with a Nd:YAG type laser. The system is connected to a...
The construction of the CARO Atmospheric Observatory was approved

The development of the ACTRIS-UBB infrastructure begins

On 10.05.2022, the works contract was concluded between Babeș-Bolyai University and the Association TCI CONTRACTOR GENERAL S.A. and K&K STUDIO DE PROIECTARE SRL for the provision of design works and services, technical assistance, and execution of works to...