The construction of the CARO Atmospheric Observatory was approved

Cluj-Napoca City Hall issued the construction permit for the Cluj Atmospheric Remote Sensing Observatory – CARO.

Several new research laboratories will be established within the CARO Observatory, equipped with state-of-art research equipment for observing and characterizing aerosols and cloud properties through advanced remote sensing methods.

The new infrastructure, which complements the existing research infrastructure at Babeș-Bolyai University regarding the composition of the atmosphere and climate change, will allow, among other things:

  • Increasing Romania’s participation in European environmental research infrastructures and other continental and global programs by improving the quality and quantity of data sets collected locally in Cluj-Napoca
  • Creating new employment opportunities and strengthening existing human resources within the Babeș-Bolyai University
  • Strengthening the Babeș-Bolyai University’s position in Central and South-Eastern Europe, resulting in better regional cooperation and a better position to apply to and participate in national and HORIZON Europe projects.

The CARO observatory is realized through the project “Development of ACTRIS-UBB infrastructure with the aim of contributing to pan-European research on atmospheric composition and climate change”, co-financed by the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020.