The development of the ACTRIS-UBB infrastructure begins

On 10.05.2022, the works contract was concluded between Babeș-Bolyai University and the Association TCI CONTRACTOR GENERAL S.A. and K&K STUDIO DE PROIECTARE SRL for the provision of design works and services, technical assistance, and execution of works to establish the Cluj Atmospheric Remote Sensing Observatory (CARO).

The new CARO Atmospheric Observatory will be built in Cluj-Napoca, on Uliului Street, a location that offers optimal conditions for remote sensing. Within the Observatory, 5 new laboratories will be established, equipped with various equipment to complement the existing research infrastructure on the composition of the atmosphere and climate change at Babeș-Bolyai University. These new facilities will ensure a higher degree of global competitiveness in the field of atmospheric remote sensing.

The CARO Atmospheric Observatory will also actively participate in the European environmental research infrastructure ACTRIS-RI. Furthermore, it will have the necessary equipment for continuous and long-term observations of aerosols and cloud properties, thus improving the quality and quantity of data sets collected locally in Cluj-Napoca.

The construction of the CARO Atmospheric Observatory is one of the main results of the project „Development of ACTRIS-UBB infrastructure with the aim of contributing to pan-European research on atmospheric composition and climate change”  – SMIS code 126436, a reference project of the higher education institution, financed within the Competitiveness Operational Program.