Info Day on the establishment of ACTRIS ERIC

The Info Day on the establishment of ACTRIS ERIC reunited the European atmospheric research community on the 12th of September 2023 in Cluj-Napoca. The event promoted the Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS ERIC), officially established on the 25th of April, 2023.

The Info Day was attended by various representatives of the research community, local and national authorities, and the private sector to explore the benefits the ACTRIS facilities and services can offer locally and nationally.

Eija Juurola, Interim ACTRIS Leader, presented the European relevance of ACTRIS for atmospheric science. At the same time, Doina Nicolae, the National Contact Point for ACTRIS-RO, spoke about the ambition, challenges and expectations of ACTRIS in Romania. Nicolae Ajtai, the Principal Investigator of the ACTRIS NF in Cluj-Napoca, presented the ACTRIS-UBB infrastructure, highlighting its opportunities for excellent science, education and services for the local community.

Some of our main takeaways related to the potential benefits and added value that the ACTRIS-UBB infrastructure can offer to its stakeholders are as follows:

      • Ensuring transnational access to high-performance research infrastructures and other national and international networks (GEOSS, GAW);
      • Issuing extreme air pollution warnings to decision-makers;
      • Offering organizational and logistical support for various types of campaigns: intercomparison, testing, research, calibration, and validation;
      • Assessing air quality;
      • Understanding the impact of aerosols and clouds on climate change;
      • Aerosol and cloud monitoring helps in identifying hazardous conditions that can affect aviation safety and air traffic management;
      • Performing laboratory analyses in the fields of agriculture and forestry;
      • Generating and disseminating high-quality environmental data;
      • Assistance in carrying out the technology transfer to operational services and SMEs